
We are deeply honored to pray for Ukraine.

Because of that, we want to cover Ukraine with continuous 24/7 prayer for an entire 30 days from March 28 – April 27. Will you join us?

Why 30 Days of Prayer for Ukraine?

R has a best friend he’s been close to for years. After fleeing on a moment’s notice, a couple of days later R hears that his friend has been killed by a mortar. R is devastated as this news settles in. There are many like R.
S’s husband is in the military. That means S and her family have a target on them so they fled. Her husband stayed back to help with the other men and yet this has torn their young family. He texts regularly to let S know he’s still alive, but she lives with fear and doubt and confusion. She and her family are in an unfamiliar place for nobody knows how long. There are hundreds of thousands of women in S’s situation.

Now is the time of war and upheaval disrupting the lives of an entire generation. The speed at which the pain and tragedy has unfolded is unprecedented. The world and people don’t bring true peace. Only Jesus can do that. Now, in this terrible time of tragedy and pain, Jesus stands ready to save those who seek Him and to comfort the wounded. Now is the time to pray for Ukraine.


30 days of continuous prayer begins in:








The Need for Prayer for Ukraine




Hours of Prayer


Prayer Slots

Current Coverage Per Day

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Current Coverage in Total

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Sign up to Pray4Ukraine

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How Does it Work?


Use the blue button to select a time (or choose multiple times).


During your 15-minute slot, devote yourself to prayer for Ukrainians (use the 15 minute prayer wheel below to help).


Invite others to fill a timeslot until we cover all 30 days in prayer.